We are one of the business’s eminent names to offer a Flavoured Milk Filling Machine /milk filling machine set up with an automatic speed control system. We manufacture as per the latest technology, and the proposed selection features rigid vibration-free construction for trouble-free performance. This efficient machine is acknowledged for its speedy operation and adjustable conveyor height, as per customer choice to align with another line machine.
Bombay Engineering’s flavored Milk Filling Machine comes with automatic operation support and PLC control to deliver precise operation handling. Further, the use of SS 304 allows for the longer service life of the system. Some of its features include suitable for handling products like milk, fruit juice, and others; allows for automatic handling of operations involving placing cup, filling of material and sealing the cup; can be provided with different production capacities, can handle filling capacity of 50 to 300ml; customized sealing diameters, compact structure finish, suitable for regular temperature filling.
Automatic Volumetric Liquid Bottle Filling Machine work on volumetric principle with diving nozzles. The unit is made compact, versatile, and enclosed in stainless steel elegantly matt finish body, S.S. Slat Conveyor, Reciprocating Nozzle with self-centering devices & S.S. Syringe. The machine and conveyor drive’s main drive consists of A/C Motor with synchronized variable A/c Frequency drive.