Business solutions? Delivered!

If you are willing to start a business and looking for Machinery, Equipment, or Processing? Worry not! We’ve got you covered with every kind of manufacturing, packaging, and processing that your business needs. The Bombay Engineering Works gives you a customized, personal touch according to your requirements, we know that starting a business is a major decision and we stand out in every major requirement our clients need, with 67 years of experience in Industry and working with unicorn brands in the market we surely make a mark in providing business solutions globally. We work on the basis of trust, and commitment of our clients which keep us engaged and bring more opportunities.

THE BOMBAY ENGINEERING WORKS has achieved many milestones in manufacturing and exporting Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Food, Cosmetic, Ayurvedic, and Herbal Machineries since 1964. Today, The Bombay Engineering Works has carved its unique place in the industry and it has loyal sets of customers spread across the worldwide, We believe in constantly innovating and re-inventing our business process and this has helped us achieve perfection in product quality and widen the range of machinery.

Our huge range of products like Fluid bed dryer, Rapid mixer granulator, Auto coater, Tray dryer, Coating pan, Vacuum tray dryer (VTD), Ointment manufacturing plant, Cream manufacturing plant, Liquid manufacturing plant, Shampoo manufacturing plant, Hair oil manufacturing plant, Shaving cream manufacturing plant, Talcum powder manufacturing plant, Toothpaste manufacturing plant, Contra rotating mixer, Syrup manufacturing plant, Oscillating granulator, Double cone blender, Octagonal blender, Ribbon blender, V blender, Rotocone vacuum dryer (RCVD), Mass mixer, Vibro sifter, Multi Mill, Co mill, Colloid mill, Communiting / fritz mill, Planetary mixer, Planetary mixer (vjhse type), Paste kettle, Zero hold up filter press, Inline homogeniser, Intank homogeniser, Auger type powder filling machines, Manual capsule filling machine, Automatic empty capsule loader, Lami tube filling machine, Linear tube filling machine, Aluminium tube filling machine, Container filling machine, Tube filling & sealing machine, Dry heat sterilizer, Autoclave steam sterilizer, Multicolumn distillation plant, Pure steam generator, Liquid Filling machines etc.


“With the state-of-the-art manufacturing infrastructure in place, the company is well-equipped to handle any kind of tight production schedule. We are capable of manufacturing the entire range of machinery at our factory premises itself.”

Our Facilities are well equipped with a machine shop, fabrication shop, assembly section, buffing & polishing section. Our quality assurance department is fully equipped with the latest testing facility & standards.

OBJECTIVE: To be a growth-driven company, which is committed to delivering the best quality goods & services, and to be ranking amongst the top national players within the industry.


We have a technically qualified team of engineers working diligently on new product developments and innovation. These technically skilled staffs are our biggest asset as it has given us an edge in the industry.

Our team of engineers is well supported by in-house software, hardware, CAD design tools & specifically designed production support software. The flexibility & innovation in production gives additional coverage for an immediate response, cost-effectiveness, reliability & quick delivery.


We are committed to providing the highest quality of products to our customers by :

Consistently meeting or exceeding our customers’ expectations for product quality and performance

Timely delivery of products and services to meet our customers’ requirements

Continuous improvement of our processes, and systems

Ensuring our personnel are properly trained so they are better able to serve our customers

Using knowledge and experience gained from last 65+ years, working around the globe, and offering products & solutions designed to suit customers’ specific needs.


The success story of the company can be largely attributed to it’s continuous efforts in upgrading technologies of it’s major product specification.

Today, the company offers state of art standard models. G.M.P. models with the options for Fully Automatic PLC Controls for various Process Equipment, designed to suit a specific end process as required by the Client’s product.

At, THE BOMBAY ENGINEERING WORKS: the efficient and academically qualified team spares no stone unturned, to be the best in Custom built Engineering by combining State-of-the-Art design and technology.


The Company also offers a wide range of Machines in R & D and pilot plant models of various capacities which suit specific end-use.

These products are of proven performance and can be seen in use in Small Scale Industries, Top Leading Indian Companies, and Multinationals. Our products are regularly exported to more than 20 countries around the globe.

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Uses of Auto Coater in the Pharmaceutical and Food Industry

What is an Auto Coater?

Key Uses of Auto Coater

1. Pharmaceutical Industry

2. Food Industry

Benefits of Using an Auto Coater


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Get a high end efficacy to work with auto coaters!

The onlooker is always impressed with the first look. In the innovative world, there are high end solutions offered for everything. Auto coaters is high end safety guard to the exteriors. It is beneficial for scratches, dirt and chemical contamination. Compared to any other original paints, they hardly cause any harms or side effects. The auto coaters is much simple, convenient and much easier to clean. The coaters also remain free from abrasions. The coater are much easy to clean and simple to swipe.

When it comes to auto coating they always remain out to be the best one compared to waxing. The auto coater gives protection for all lifetime. Even when you do the maintenance right from the start you could protect stuff. Keeping it simple and using this coating from the start will save time for repairs. Using the coating gives the protection even from the harsh sun rays and ultra violet rays. Compared to all other natural paints the auto coater is much reliable. The auto coater manufacturer offer high end consistency. Generally the auto coater manufacturer offer machines that are easy to operate and take very less time to maintain. When the machines are purchased a complete systematic demonstration too is offered. These machines do give you complete user friendly experience. Easy mixing and tumbling options are one of the plus points to look forward and have these machines. Every machine has robust mechanism and minutest details are being taken care which decreases the chances of any major breakdowns. In every aspect there is a guarantee of getting in pollution free operations. You could even rely on this machine if you wish to prosper even from the bulk orders. The newest range of machines is totally environment friendly.

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Advantages of tube filling machines and totally reliable for commercial use

  1. The tube filling machines reduce labor cost as the work is done by machines itself there is no need to hire staff for packing which drastically reduces the cost. The only cost is installation and maintenance cost which is lower than the labor cost.
  2. Tube Filling Machine save time and increase production at the same time as machines are more efficient than labor. As labor may get tired and their working capacity decreases with every increase in production unit.
  3. There is no scope for damage of products while packing as machines do their work precisely as compared to labor as sometimes they may make mistake which leads to loss of production.
  4. These tube filling machines gives uniformity and accuracy to the products which physical labor could not deliver as each and every person is different and has different speed of packing hence packaging of products may differ from person to person on the other hand machine works consistently and provides uniform packing of products.
  5. These machines are user friendly and have simple operations so that they can be used by anyone and there is no need to hire technician for this job. They take instructions and work accordingly.
  6. These machines can be easily re-programmed for packing products of different size and shape. There is no need to buy different machines for packing of different size tubes it can be done on the same machine with some minor changes in the instructions.

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Features of Rapid mixer granulator

The rapid mixer granulator is a considered mixer used for mixing substances homogeneously and uniformly through angled mixer blades and choppers (beater or agitators). The material is mixed in equal proportion upon mixing and a uniform shaped product is achieved at last without any lumps.

Do the rapid mixers have any salient features?

  • For assisting powder blending and breaking of product, a high-speed mixer granulator gets used with horizontal walls for uneven size granules, especially wet granulation.
  • The rapid mixer granulator shaft and stirrer drive shaft gets used so as to operate the purge sealing system well
  • The bowl design can be in three portions namely conical top portion, a mid-portion and flat bottom that provides counterbalance lid for effective mixing.
  • Along with the charging nozzle, vent filter, and nozzle connection, a lid is provided
  • It has good food grade silicone gasket
  • The chopper usually contain 4 blades impeller

The working principle of mixer:

A bottom entry agitator is responsible for the effective working of the rapid mixer. The agitator is well mounted onto a chopper. The main or key purpose of it is to wet mix, dry blend, granulation, and prepare the dough. It can effectively cut material into small sized granules. Agitation of content or material is the main principle first at moderate speed and then at running at profiled cutter speed. The material is cut into a small size that presents the end product.

The drying of material or content can take around 3-5 minutes which is followed by mixing the ingredients. The wet mixing usually takes around 5-10 minutes so as to wet material during the granulation process into 0.5- 1.5mm granules.

The time consumed in the finest processing very well depends on the quantity of ingredients and particle size.

You can get the granulator at a reasonable price.

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Why Rapid mixer granulator is must thing for your business?

In rapid mixer granulator, the creation of granules happens by intensifying, revolving and plummeting motion of material. Dry mixing is completed by accumulation of all elements into the RMG by revolution of impeller and grinder at extreme speed.

Rapid Mixer Granulator series is categorised by the dense creation, contemporary design and all the operator and upkeep friendly qualities which builds the ergonomics enterprise features are vital for a varied assortment of application.

The Rapid Mixer Granulator completes dry mixing as well as wet granulating by rudimentary design of the distinct limb of the fraternization impeller and arrangements of the mixing procedure in the cylindrical fraternization drum with curved linking to the base plate realise another singular effect. The mixing procedure runs without fluctuating pressure zone in the capacity of mixing merchandise.


  • Mixing, massing plus granulation are all made within an insufficient minute in the similar piece of apparatus.
  • Gravity encumbered
  • Unit formula sustained
  • Forms anticipated wet granule speedily
  • Less wetting and additional quick drying
  • Consistently dry mixes hurriedly: color spreading is outstanding; can eradicate premixes of accumulation by geometric movement


Rapid Mixer Granulators (RMG) are chiefly utilized for tablet manufacturing procedure which needs homogenous fraternisation, measured granule dimension and at the similar time promising great reduction in dispensation time.

The anticipated granulation mechanism can be separated into three stages.


The granulation twitches with bond among elements owing to liquid bridges and the creation of agglomerates at vessel state.


Nuclei can cultivate in two likely ways: either solitary elements can be putted to the nuclei by pendular bonds, otherwise two or more nuclei may syndicate.     The collective nuclei will be redesigned by the anxiety of the cradle. This stage is categorised by the existence of many minor granules with an inclusive size dispersal. If the dimension distribution is not unreasonably large, this point signifies an appropriate termination point for granules utilized in capsule plus tablet production.

Ball growth: Additional granule growth harvests large, globular granules and the mean element dimension of the granulating system will upsurge with time.

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Why invest in toothpaste manufacturing plant?

In daily lives we may do various activities but the most important thing is oral hygiene and there is no second thought that toothpaste is important. In the markets there are various herbal and non herbal toothpastes available. There is also flavored substance added up to bring in that good taste. As there are millions of people using the toothpaste on daily basis, here are its certain advantages on why you should start up with your own Toothpaste Manufacturing Plant

1)            Humungous demand: – As toothpaste is used on daily basis there is always a huge demand for it. People consider using toothpaste as part of daily lives so the demand is never less.

2)            Lesser machinery and materials required:- Compared to all other products, the toothpaste manufacturing plants requires very less material thus this business could be much profitable thing compared to any other things.

3)            Lesser power consumption:- The modern machines do use very lesser amount of energy and do work wonders even in the making of the products.

4)            Compatible with your needs:- With very lesser effectual maintenance, the modern machines do work for hours thus could be reliant things for your modern needs.

5)            Hygiene and safety standards:- When you use a manufacturing plants then you could be rest assured with the uniformity and hygienic compliant standards.

When you wish to have durable and good quality manufacturing plant like Toothpaste manufacturing plant, liquid syrup Manufacturing Plant and onitment manufacturing plant always trust the best. In terms of contentment, the excellent suppliers in Mumbai will deliver you excellent manufacturing plant with robust mechanism.

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Why it is worth a deal to have own Toothpaste manufacturing plant?

Like our body even oral health is equally important. There is millions of people worldwide using toothpaste. In the markets there are herbal and non herbal based toothpaste available, here are some benefits of starting toothpaste selling business and investing in toothpaste manufacturing plant, there are as follows:-

1)            Higher rate of returns: – As compared to other substances there are fewer ingredients used in the toothpaste. As there is millions of user worldwide even it becomes easier to sell the product. In order to set up a good base first the liquid formulation is prepared and then other ingredients are mixed.

2)            Dramatically reduces time and efforts:- Investing in good machinery will increase the chances of hygiene and in the making too time and efforts both could be reduced,

3)            Consistency:- It is foremost important thing to note is the making of the product and followed by its consistency, a good set up of manufacturing plant could bring all of that very easily.

4)            Hygiene standards: As everything is made with the help of machinery lesser there are chances of sanitary and lesser there is chances of exposure to hands.

5)            Saves energy:- The modern designed machines do consume very less amount of electricity thus work wonders in terms of saving the energy too.

Pertaining to different requirements, like Tube filling machines, Rapid mixer granulator, Rotocone vacuum dryer the reputed suppliers could easily cater well to your choices and demands at unbeatable prices.

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Why buy planetary mixer from renowned suppliers?

This kind of mixer has a fixed, non-rotating container. The container is locked on the base of the mechanism and can be elevated into the blending position, and in reverse lowered to eradicate the container. A great benefit of this mixer form is the obtainability of different additions which can be utilized when mingling. Standard additions comprise a paddle, switch, dough hook, with former add-ons too accessible. Planetary mixers emanate in together tabletop and full floor replicas, to finest suit your manufacture needs. Machine dimension is dogged by the obtainable mingling bowl capacity, habitually dignified in quarts. Tabletop replicas usually originate in 20 or 30-quart diversities though, floor replicas derive in 40, 60, 80 or greater quart dimensions. A lot of these machineries also emanate with flexible speed choices to put up dissimilar mixing needs. You will get many best suppliers for this mixer online as well as offline.


In nearlyall pastry shop or else bakery you will catch no less than one planetary mixer. The purpose these mixers are accordingly conjoint is that they provide greater adaptability. Frequently, bakers and pastry cooks will utilize the paddle add-on for combination or creaming foodstuffs. This contains pie coating dough, scones, cookie dough or else cake stuffing. The whip addition is normally used to ventilate mixtures for example meringue, mop cake, whipped cream, plus mousse. Finally, the dough hanger attachment is classically used in pizza shops and minor bread bakeries.


  • Finest homogenization of mingling material, even in perplexing uses
  • Low-slung wear and least maintenance
  • Least waste
  • Collaborating stars interchange on diverse axes
  • Material is wholly re-circulated with only one uprising of the mingling tools


  • Solitary or Dual Planetary Blades.
  • Fluctuating scraper blade alters to bowl outline.
  • Solitary base assembly to for easiness in mounting.
  • Lift physically or hydraulically functioned
  • Distinctive steel planetary mechanisms, heat preserved and hard-bitten for tough, extended life.
  • Heating system, Chilling or Vacuum Building

Planetary mixer supplier can provide you with the best of it without any kind of hitch.

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Why it is important to go for planetary mixer if you have bakery?

In the contemporary times there are lot of tools invaded out of which the most effective tool for the bakery is planetary mixer. planetary mixer is also know bakery mixer In the making of cakes, pastries or other varieties this mixture can be used. You can use them in cake mixing or dough mixing. As there are interchangeable utensils associated with it one can use them for various different purposes as well. In minutes these mixture can rightly mix all the ingredients. Investing in this sort of mixture has its own merits some of them are as follows:-

1)            Less labor and time saving.

2)            Due to energy efficiency these mixture can work wonders even when it comes to saving off money.

3)            In the technological phase of time these machines do produce less noise and can work wonders for long hours.

4)            There are different levels of sound alerts when the job of mixing is done be it cream mixing or dough mixing your job could be easily done in minutes.

5)            These machines are easy to install and your job could be done in the most hygienic manner ever.

6)            Robust quality of these mixtures is one of the greatest boon and durable for long amount of time as compared to other mixtures.

7)            Planetary mixer supplier does offer you compact mixtures that do occupy your lesser space than ever.

8)            You could easily shop them right from 20 kgs to 80 kgs of models.

9)            As there are systematic instructions provided on the leaflet therefore there are lessen chances of mishaps too with these machine.

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